Catching y’all up

So I am back from vacation, and already whiny. We spent the first few days back East in Virginia with Silligirl and her funny, adorable daughters. The girls are at the age when “sharing” is a key concept, and they generously shared their colds with Husband and me. I am nearly recovered, but Husband is buried in a mountain of used Kleenex, from which piteous moans occasionally emerge. As SilliTot put it hoarsely, he has “so many froggies” in his throat.

We went north after that, to my parents’ house in Connecticut, where my mother took me shopping for maternity clothes. I am quite huge now – measuring at about 6 1/2 months, though I’m only almost-5. That’s twins for ya. At any rate, I am much more comfortable now that my pants are no longer beating me up.

We did some stuff and saw some people, and it was all lovely, though I felt quite exhausted by the end of the week. I’m going to make it a point to hibernate at some point before these babies arrive. Just spend three days or so vegging out.

And speaking of vegging out, here’s what I made for my mother’s birthday present:

Ninjabun 1
She is an avid gardener, so I thought this would be appreciated.

A vegetable garden . . .
Ninjabun 2

with a surprise!
Ninjabun 4

According to the pattern-maker, “Ninjabun is covert, sneaky, and VERY hungry!”

6 Responses so far »

  1. 2

    Sara said,

    Ninjabun is very cute! And I would recommend hibernating if you can. It’s hard enough to relax with one baby — I’m pretty sure down time will be even more precious with two!

  2. 3

    from away said,

    Oh sure, go see SilliGirl. I see how it is. But I am glad you spared me her kids’ colds. ;P

  3. 4

    Mom said,

    Ninjabun was a big hit at knitting today.

  4. 5

    Nora said,

    Bummed I had to miss you with my vacation. Hope you had a good time. I expect pictures of you pregnant, missy.

  5. 6

    MonkeyGurrl said,

    YAY NINJABUN!!! Looks way cuter in his (her?) native habitat than in my cleavage. If it makes ya feel any better, I DIDN’T get to go see Mom, and I also got a really bad cold. Even missed a day of work (oh, so sad!!)

    Hibernate while you can. Truly. It’ll be a good 30 years before you can do that again.

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