True to my word.

I promised you knitting, and knitting you shall have, though it means the sacrifice of my lunch hour.

I’m currently working on Cozy, from Knitty. The pattern calls for silk, at which I thumb my poverty-stricken nose; I turn instead to my current favorite yarn, Inca Alpaca. Since it’s the holiday season and all, this is going to be a gift . . .

for me!

I’m in a selfish mood, and this is soft and pretty and I want it for my very own.

I took this photo in the airport, waiting to board the plane to Atlanta.

Cozy 11/17/06

I worked on it for the entire flight, and again for the entire flight from Atlanta to Connecticut. I barely touched it over the next ten days, and have only done a few rows since returning. So really, the next picture represents my airplane-knitting accomplishments.

Cozy 12/7/06

You can see all of the little wobbles and tension changes, and places where I twisted the yarn the wrong way, made a hole too big, etc. I blame it on the turbulence. That’s another reason that I’m keeping this project for myself; I, like the Muslim carpet-weavers, know that only Allah is perfect, and therefore I am at peace with the flaws – nay, natural variations – in my knitting. I cannot, however, expect everyone to be so accepting.

This next piece is Wavy, also from Knitty. (Hello, Knitty! I love you! I slaver over your free patterns and delicious articles! I whore my blog for you! Ahem.)

wavy 12/7/06

This is for my not-actually-aunt B, who chose the yarn, Lopi Icelandic Wool, to go with her new coat. I had to modify the pattern slightly (at Miss Kendra’s urging), decreasing the number of stitches per row from 42 to 24, because this wool is so bulky. In fact, the Lopi doesn’t play at all well with the pattern, as you can see from the vast difference between the patternmaker’s photo and mine, but I think it looks nifty anyway.

Also: Of Wavy, the patternmaker says “you’d better use a row counter if you know what’s good for you.” But I am counterless, and so far, no problem.

Cue “impending doom” music.

12 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Laurie Ann said,

    Wavy looks much better with the changes.

  2. 2

    miss kendra said,

    the impending doom music is so loud i can barely hear myself think.

  3. 3

    MonkeyGurrl said,


    Actually, I likee the lacy one. It’s rather purty. I would not even have noticed any wobbles, etc., if you hadn’t have mentioned them.

  4. 4

    MonkeyGurrl said,

    Gawd, WHEN is the new Knitty going to post?!?!? I’m DYIN’ here!!! (not that I don’t have eleventy gazillion other things to work on…)

  5. 5

    desiknitter said,

    It’s very pretty! I like the blue colour very much. But watch out for the Inca Alpaca to shed like an angry cat. Mine did (the yarn, ie, not the cat).
    And by two bizarre coincidences, I will be knitting on a flight to Atlanta tomorrow, and I think I have that exact shade of Lopi.

  6. 6

    Annika said,

    I always liken my knitting to Afghani rugs (twins!). One of these days I’m going to start including intarsia AK-74s. Maybe.

  7. 7

    Mom said,

    Cozy looks like winter tree branches against the sky.

  8. 8

    Celeste said,

    I’m so in awe. I’m trying to learn to knit and it all just seems so hard. I dream of this actually being as much fun as knitters seem to be having with their craft!

  9. 9

    A said,

    Patternmaker has no sense of adventure

  10. 10

    uccellina said,

    Monkeygurl: Ask and ye shall damn well receive.

    Desiknitter: You are my secret twin. Along with Annika. Which makes us triplets. Squee!

    Celeste: Seriously, if anyone should make you feel better about your knitting skills, it’s me. You’ll learn faster than you think you will, and all non-knitters will think you’re much better at it than you actually are, and all will be well.

  11. 11

    mandap said,

    I bow down to the knitting prowess. Will you post a tutorial? Once I get into Black Fly land, I shall be sitting inside thinking of you and your Inca Alpaca yarn.

    Sad to leave Office yesterday. (My name for the fabulous trio is Office. Yes, quite creative. Quite.)

  12. 12

    Writer2 said,

    A lot more fun to read about than legal wrangling between nonagenarians. And the patterns are prettier, too.

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