I hear the secrets that you keep.

2am: Wren sits bolt upright, opens her eyes, and announces “wa be roh ahm du.” Her eyes close, her head drops to her chest, she begins to sway a little. Her eyes fly open again, and she lifts her right arm as if gesticulating to make her point. “Ma zo eh gub! Buh.” Her eyes close again. She falls over. She snores.

5 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Annika said,

    I told her not to tell you that!

  2. 2

    MonkeyGurrl said,

    🙂 where’s a baby-babble to english dictionary when you really need one?!

  3. 3

    akeeyu said,

    See, and Fitz-Hume just signs in her sleep.

  4. 4

    Ellen Bloom said,

    “Kids say the darndest things!” (I think that was the premise of Art Linkletter’s “House Party” show where he interviewed children).

    When we were first married, Larry sat bolt upright in bed in the middle of the night, still deep in sleep, and proclaimed, “We need power tools.” I think it was his unconscious reaction to all of the frilly wedding presents we had just received!

    Maybe you need a voice-activated tape recorder near Wren’s bed!

  5. 5

    Nora said,

    Sleep idisyncracies have always fascinated me. Sister talked in her sleep a lot when we shared a bedroom. My mom told me when I was maybe 11 that Sister also used to sleepwalk and I remember feeling intensely jealous about it.

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