Poem of first words

Hi, bye, turtle kitty aaaah-oooo (meow).
Ball, please! Mama, Daddy, Mommy, Ma-moo.
Eggy eggy apple out, hat, oh boy!
Bow wow, oh wow! No no, more.
Outside, purple tree. Bird, up, hot.
Diaper, nurse, hello. Baby, all done.

8 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    lichen said,

    Love it like mananas

  2. 2

    uccellina said,

    Oh my god, how could I have forgotten Banana! *hangs head in shame*

  3. 3

    MonkeyGurrl said,

    ten queue coco.

    (never did figure out who coco was and why s/he was being thanked.)

  4. 4

    husband said,

    You forgot
    1) EEEEEeeeeeeekkkkkkkk
    2) Dah Dah Dah Dah Dah
    3) PHTHbbbbbbbbbbb!!!
    …which mean
    1) I REALLY WANT MORE or Great echo in here, huh?
    2) Are we leaving yet or Did you forget we’re in the STROLLER???
    3) Yeah, right!

  5. 5

    lichen said,

    there are no “bananas” for me anymore, only mananas. I just love that word!

  6. 6

    Nora said,

    BestNieceEver’s favorite words of the moment are “octagon” and “ready set go.”

    Former favorite words included “hi fi,” (for high five), “yay yeah,” (for yes), and “no way.” “I comin” also featured prominently.

    My mother reports that my first words were “nighty night.”

  7. 7

    kathy a. said,

    news! hope all is well. xoxo

  8. 8

    Facebook said,

    Thank you very much for this information to you dear, and the authors of the site administrators

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