Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

Two babies home from NICU!

Wren came home from the NICU yesterday. We are a very happy, very sleepy little family.

28 Responses so far »

  1. 2

    Mom said,

    They look like they’re in tiny chrysalises.

  2. 3

    Annika said,


  3. 4

    Annika said,

    But you know, she doesn’t look much like a fat pig.

  4. 5

    Allison said,

    Hooray! Thanks for sharing the pics. Can’t wait to meet them in person!

  5. 7

    Aw, they’re so beautiful together, aren’t they?

  6. 8

    Nan said,

    can’t see to type, eyes blurry with tears of joy for you all.

  7. 9

    esperanza said,

    Oh. Wow. I came back to read comments on yesterday’s and here is another one! Beautiful. So, so happy for you. Now I want to bring you two dinners.

  8. 10

    Miss Cee said,

    Awww – what gorgeous little bundles!

  9. 11

    uccellina said,

    Esperanza – when I posted yesterday, we weren’t sure that Wren would be allowed to come home that day. It had been mentioned as a possibility, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last couple of weeks, it that the NICU is a fickle place.

  10. 12

    Jen said,

    They’re even cuter together.

  11. 13

    DebbieS said,

    What adorable larvae you have ;P Congratulations!! Is there an address to send baby buntings to?

  12. 14

    Nora said,

    Hallelujah I’m so happy for you.

  13. 15

    SPAM said,

    I have visited this site on many an occasion now but this post is the 1st one that I have ever commented on.

    Congratulations on such a fine article and site I have found it very helpful and informative – I only wish that there were more out there like this one.

    I never leave empty handed, sometimes I may even be a little disappointed that I may not agree with a post or reply that has been made. But hey! that is life and if every one agreed on the same thing what a boring old world we would live in.

    Keep up the good work and cheers.

  14. 16

    Diane Dawson said,

    Nice to get some spam for your babies too, huh?

  15. 17

    uccellina said,

    But the babies aren’t on solid food yet! No spam for them!

  16. 18

    Writer2 said,

    Go babies, go. They are so amazingly cute.

  17. 19

    Celeste said,

    This is the cutest thing ever!!! Your babies are delightful, Uccellina. You done good!!!!!!!

  18. 20

    Kate said,

    Aw 🙂 Congratulations – they’re adorable 🙂

  19. 21

    Hihankara said,

    So adorable! 🙂 Congrats.

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    Andree said,

    What tiny bundles of cuteness!

  21. 23

    Catherine said,

    I love this picture more than words can say. It’s the CUTEST.

  22. 24

    Cute as bugs. Or in this case, birds.

    Congrats again.

    How are you feeling…other than exhausted.

  23. 25

    kathy a. said,

    ((( uccellina ))) congratulations and best wishes and hugs for the baboos! so exciting they are both home! what little sweet peas.

  24. 26

    Nora said,

    i thought you were having birds not butterflies.

  25. 27

    MonkeyGurrl said,

    Normally, I’m not a big fan of winged creatures (unless they’re monkeys or dragons), but this birdies are the BESTEST!!!! I am so glad you are all happy, healthy and HOME. It’s a beautiful thing.

  26. 28

    Cheryl said,

    I am so happy that you are all home safe now. You must have your hands full with all that love!

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