Welcome to the world, babies.

Little Boy and Little Girl were born on Monday, March 3, via c-section at 36 weeks gestation. They are 5lbs 9oz and 4lbs 12 oz, respectively.

They are a little premature, and both are in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) right now. Little Boy cried beautifully at first and I got to hold and snuggle him for a little bit, until he started having some trouble with his breathing when we were in Recovery, and they took him away to give him some oxygen and monitor him more closely. Little Girl cried well too, but her breathing was likewise a bit labored and they took her away so quickly that I barely got to see her at all. Now she’s having some blood sugar issues which very well might be a side effect of a medication they put her on for the breathing. They’re running some tests and will know more in a few hours.

These issues are apparently very common in babies born at 36 weeks. No one in the NICU seems overly worried, but they’re reluctant to be too reassuring either. I suspect that somewhere deep inside I’m screaming with panic, but I’m in numb, crisis-control mode right now. I spent a couple of hours talking and singing to them last night, and can’t wait to get back up there.

I’ve been pumping regularly since yesterday afternoon, but haven’t gotten much of anything yet. This too is normal, apparently. I’m sore, but not in serious pain.

I’ll try to update with the birth story soon.

UPDATE: The pediatrician just called. Little Girl has been taken off the CPAP and is just on the nasal cannula now, and her blood sugar issues are all resolved. They’re hoping to have Little Boy off the CPAP later today or tomorrow. Yay!

49 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Mahala said,


    I can’t wait for the pictures… (um.. there will be pictures right?)

  2. 2

    Catherine said,

    YAY!!! Congratulations!!

  3. 3

    spudsayshi said,

    Congratulations, and best of luck!

  4. 4

    SilliGirl said,

    It actually took me about ten minutes after your call to realize our babies have the same birthday–despite the fact that I spoke to you in the middle of SilliBaby’s party! But how cool is that?!?

    Also, your babies will be fine, and I will keep you all in my thoughts, and I will see you in a week.

    Love to you all!!!

  5. 6

    Kate said,

    Congratulations!! Hope you get to see more of your babies soon!

  6. 7

    Jenna said,


  7. 8

    Laurie Ann said,

    Yippee!!! And Congrats to you and Husband.

  8. 10

    Madeleine said,

    Congratulations! And hurrah for the good update already!

  9. 11

    dp said,

    hooray!! congratulations!! post names soon!!

    ps – i have no doubt that babies will be happy and healthy and home in no time 🙂 yayayayayayay!

  10. 12

    Andree said,


  11. 13

    So happy to hear it! Mazel tov, and my fingers crossed that their stay in the NICU is short.

  12. 14

    MonkeyGurrl said,

    Yay, Sac Girl and Sac Boy!!!!!! Yay, Uccellina and Husband and Mom and everybody!!! Yay!!!

    “If there is ANYTHING you need”. . . you know what to do!!!

  13. 15

    brina said,

    It’s a good thing I read your blog, I’d never find out about anything. ;p Glad you’re all ok! Woohoo.

  14. 16

    Gwen said,

    Oh, hooray!!! Welcome, babies!! Love to you and Husband! 🙂

  15. 17

    Celeste said,


  16. 18

    Annika said,

    That is great news! Yay for LG!

  17. 19

    bronnie said,

    Welcome to the world, little ones!:)
    Hearty congrats!!!!
    Looking forward to pic’s and names!

  18. 20

    Natalie said,

    Congratulations to you both!
    Sending happy & joyous thoughts to you and the babes!

  19. 21

    Frank said,

    Welcome Baby Boy and Baby Girl!

    Congrats Momma and Poppa!


  20. 22

    Jaye said,

    Congrats! *sends good vibes to the babies*

  21. 23

    miss kendra said,

    congratulations! march 3 pisces babies!

  22. 24

    Welcome to the world, little ones.

    You are blessed.

    And with each new life, new parents are born too. Congrats.

    Heal well.

  23. 25

    Catherine said,

    I am so happy for you and your family, Uccellina. As we like to say in our mothering group, “Enjoy your babymoon!”

    (bka Miranda from WW)

  24. 26

    bess said,

    hey beauty!
    congratulations. cannot wait to see photos for sure!
    lichey turned me on to your page, fyi!
    much love,

  25. 27

    ZooKeeper said,

    I just stumbled over her from Annika’s and I wanted to say Congratulations and let you know that your babies now share their birthday with my daughter who just turned 13 on the 3rd.

  26. 28

    Michelle said,

    Congratulations! 36 weeks is an excellent benchmark to have achieved, good job. And excellent work having Baby Girl be the littler one. Girl babies (at least in my unit’s NICU) are known to be heartier and “better behaved” about things like gaining weight and breathing. I’m sure you planned it that way… 😉 Here’s another vote for pics when you can manage. And I think 3/3 is an excellent birthday — good numeric mojo. 😀 *hugs*

  27. 29

    kathy a said,

    woo-de-woo-hooooo! so happy to hear the news about baby boy and baby girl! and the update about baby girl gettin’ off the cpap. they will be fine, very soon. xoxoxoxoxo

  28. 30

    Sara R. said,

    Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for all of you! And way to go you for blogging about it already! And that’s great news about LG just being on the canula — it’s the one more step towards coming home.

  29. 31

    kathy a said,

    p.s. — my daughter was born at 36 weeks. she’s all good, a college freshman now, finally thinking i’m smart enough to review the occasional essay. 😉

    nephew was born at 34-35 weeks, spent a little time in NICU, and now — he’s in middle school, a genius, and the little squirt will be taller than me and his mom by this time next year.

  30. 32

    A said,

    Mazel Tov! How wonderful – for all of you!

  31. 33

    Sara N said,

    Congratulations! I cannot wait to meet Behbeh Girl and Behbeh Boy!

  32. 34

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to see pictures and learn names.

    Also, once you get home, sign me up for the casserole brigade!

  33. 35

    lichen said,

    Hello beautiful Momma!! Saw your lovely husband this morning, who all aglow with daddiness.
    I can hardly wait to meet the latest additions to the courtyard!
    Much love…

  34. 36

    Congratulations!! 🙂

  35. 37

    Susan said,

    Hurray! Welcome to the world, twins, and may the NICU stay be short.

  36. 38

    Carolyn J. said,

    Welcome, Hot Rod Passengers!

  37. 39

    nora said,

    Yay Rah! You got some Pisces in the house!

  38. 40

    […] Filed under: Business, Good Moodiness, Personal — mushyhead @ 3:14 am Ucellina had her babies yesterday. A little boy and a little girl. I think I’m slightly jealous. On the other hand, I’m […]

  39. 41

    DebbieS said,

    Happy birthday, little hot rods!! Great job, Mommy! Try some of that lanolin cream before you pump (on you and the business side of the pump)…you’ll be much more comfortable!

  40. 42

    Pam said,

    I already texted you but just for good measure…CONGRATS! Snuggles and kisses all around!

  41. 43

    docmanhattan said,

    Mazel tov–welcome to the world!

    (I’ve been following the progress, but the Kein Ahora complex kept me from saying anything!)

  42. 44

    Liz said,

    Congratulations on the birth and the news about the CPAP!!!

    I hope you get to bring those sweet babies home with you soonsoonsoon!!!!

  43. 45

    Diane Dawson said,

    Wheeeee!!! So happy to hear the great news. Hope everyone’s off CPAP by tomorrow.


  44. 46

    ecclescake said,

    Yay! yayayayayay! Salud! Pisces Rul0rz.

  45. 47

    Ellen Bloom said,

    Mazeltov! 3/3 is a perfect date! It’s our anniversary.

  46. 48

    KLee said,

    Woot! Congrats, Mommy! (And Daddy!) Many, many mazel tovs heading your way from the illustrious WW crew!

  47. 49

    Emily said,

    Great! It sounds like they’re both doing better now – I want to know if you still had that tattoo when you went in for the C-section!!?? Congrats to both of you, and I hope you’re feeling well, I heard it can be painful for a while afterward.

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