Much to say and no time in which to say it.

So I will just shout a quick HAPPY HALF-BIRTHDAY! to my two little monsters.

Twins with twin monsters

Oh, and to the babies, too!

17 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Annika said,

    WHAT? Six months ALREADY?

  2. 2

    Natalie said,

    Those are cu-ute babies.
    oh and monsters too.

  3. 3

    KS said,

    Six months, geez…I guess that means my little monster is 18 months today. Hmmm…must be time to start breeding again…


  4. 4

    God, they are gorgeous. A very merry unbirthday to them!

  5. 5

    Annika said,

    Don’t be silly, KS, you’re not due to be pregnant again till Christmas or so.

  6. 6

    Sarah said,

    Wowee! It goes by so fast!

  7. 7

    luckybuzz said,

    Adorable! Happy half-birthday, babies! (They’re exactly 3 months older than Waylon, who is 3 months today–neat!)

  8. 8

    Nora said,


  9. 9

    husband said,

    Oh… so you mean I haven’t been seeing double? There really ARE two of them?
    You have no idea what a relief that is. I THOUGHT that baby needed to be fed and
    changed a lot.

  10. 10

    Anne-Marie said,

    They are so cute. Time really flies!

  11. 11

    julie said,

    Cute pic–My, what big eyes you have. My, what big ears you have…. Happy Half Birthday!

  12. 12

    Celeste said,

    Your children are absolutely radiant. You’re a lucky mama!!!

  13. 13

    esperanza said,

    Oh my goodness, are they cute. Happy birthday to them, and congrats to the two of you for making it so far, so gracefully.

  14. 14

    Michelle said,

    Aw, what sweet little ones — happy halvsies! Can we get some vital stats on these two? Who’s bigger, how much do they weigh, who’s doing what fun tricks now? You know, in your spare time? 😀 Congrats on surviving the first six months — good work, family!

  15. 15

    kathy a. said,

    they are beyond cute! happy half birthday!

  16. 16

    Liz said,

    That is an awesome pic! What is that that they are in? It looks very cozy.

  17. 17

    uccellina said,

    Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper, Liz. We loves it, we do.

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