Travelogue: the flight.

  • Husband and I were seated on the aisle three rows apart, and he gave Robin a bottle while I nursed Wren during takeoff. Robin refused to take it and yelled the whole way up. Wren nursed and fell asleep before we reached cruising altitude, but the “Fasten Seatbelt” sign remained stubbornly lit, and so I could not perform the baby exchange that would allow me to stop my other kid from infuriating everyone around us. A flight attendant who was either very kind or very sick of the noise brought Robin to me and passed Wren up to Husband, so I was able to muzzle him with a boob, after which he immediately slipped into unconsciousness. Both babies slept for a good part of the flight.
  • Both babies yelled the whole way down.
  • Wren then slept through the entire second hop from D.C. to our local airport, during which I was seated next to a most engaging busybody from New Orleans, who told me all about her job, her kids, her kids’ jobs, how much money they made, and her grandkids. All in the first ten minutes. The rest of the flight, she listed the places she had traveled to and the ways in which those places were inferior to home.
  • Following the advice of some other mothers of twins, I tucked earplugs and a bag of Hershey’s Kisses into my carry on luggage for distribution to unhappy fellow passengers. I am pleased to report that I did not require either of them, and so made it to New England with a full bag of Hershey’s Kisses, into which we have been delving each night while drinking red wine.
  • I had sushi tonight, for the first time since becoming pregnant in July of ’07. This has nothing to do with our flight, but I am so pleased I just had to share.

10 Responses so far »

  1. 2

    nora said,

    Maybe that lady thought you were from the census.

    Want to come out and see you– any good times to swing by?

  2. 3

    Writer2 said,

    Too bad airline allowed you guys to be separated by three rows. As for chatty passenger/neighbors, my experience as professional grump and curmudgeon is never get started with such folks in the pro-flight phase because if you do, they don’t let up and they are led to believe that you actually want to talk and find them engaging — as if if they are doing you a favor by keeping you busy and informed about their life.

    I never have problem with such potential talkers because as soon as they start — and I mean the very first words — I mumble something mono-syllabic and then turn away. Most airline neighbors start conversations because they are nervous fliers, but whatever the reason there’s a way to deflect — unless, as I suspect, you are the kind of of helpful, thoughtful, emphatic person who thinks it’s rude not to be gracious and friendly, even to an OCD talker.

  3. 4

    Sara R. said,

    I remember my first sushi after I had Vivian. It was so yummy.

  4. 5

    MonkeyGurrl said,

    sushi, chocolate, wine, and being with Mom. Totally worth the effort.

  5. 6

    kathy a. said,

    woo hoo for sushi! i guess it wouldn’t have been socially acceptable to put the earplugs in yourself, but i’da been tempted.

  6. 7

    lifeineden said,

    Mmm, I know what you mean about the sushi (while I don’t prefer it myself) — there are so many things I’m enjoying now that I’m not nursing or pregnant.

    Oh, and I learned from somewhere that it is the decent that causes problems with little one’s ears rather than the climb. Glad you didn’t need the ear plugs anyway, and ooh, I’m having red wine now and wish I had some kisses!

  7. 8

    liz said,


    And it sounds like you did a great job with the kiddoes in less than ideal conditions.

  8. 9

    dp said,

    i don’t blame babies for yelling during the airplane descent. i’m fully grown and i often want to do the same thing. it hurts 😦

  9. 10

    Darcy Watts said,

    I have girls 21 months apart and it is never fun going by plane with toddlers.Iam a twin myself:)Hugs Darcy

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