A bird’s nest: Now with lemony fresh scent.

I don’t want to jinx anything, but I have a feeling that 2007 is going to be a good year. I have made a number of resolutions, none of which I’m going to share on this blog, because that would be certain death. And as we know, 2007 is a death-free year!

In order to start things off properly, I have embarked upon The Great Lemon Cleanse. I was inspired by my (blogless) friend Sara, who has done it twice, and recommends it highly. The Lemon Cleanse requires that you eat nothing for ten days, and drink only water and a surprisingly delicious lemonade composed of water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. Today is my second day.

Yesterday I made it through work without a problem; the lemonade is more satisfying than I would have thought. After I got home, Husband and I walked over to Nordstrom’s to buy me a sports bra (okay, I’ll share one resolution: Be Less of a Lump). The sales associate revealed that she was new to L.A., and made some comment about not being thin enough.

I shook my head. “Don’t let L.A. get to you with the crazy skinny rules! It’s not healthy!”

“I’m not,” she looked away. “But everybody I know around here is doing this cleanse right now, and – are you okay, sir?” Husband had fallen off his chair laughing.

It turned out that her coworker was on Day Ten. She was almost as enthusiastic about her experience as Sara had been, but had clearly had a harder time sticking to it. “I snuck a couple of peanuts on Day Seven,” she confessed.

This is not a weight-loss project, although, okay, sure, that’s kind of a side benefit. It’s not a very effective weight loss project, as half of whatever you lose is water weight, and you gain that right back after you stop the cleanse. My primary goal in this is to feel healthier and cleaner, and also, if I am to be completely honest, to feel like I have accomplished something small but difficult. I think accomplishing a small project will give me the confidence I need to tackle the larger ones.

    Other ideas for confidence-building

  • Wear superhero costume
  • Recruit cheerleading squad
  • Hire marching band to follow me everywhere
  • Get rock star hair

16 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Andree said,

    Wonder Woman or Hawk Girl?

  2. 2

    miss kendra said,

    i bought all the stuff for it last week and still haven’t done the damn thing.

  3. 3

    uccellina said,

    Andree – I’m partial to Batgirl. I even have her as my screen background.

  4. 4

    MonkeyGurrl said,

    I love Cyndi Lauper. Loved her in the 80’s, love her now on the disney channel. You could *so* rock that ‘do.

  5. 5

    Husband said,

    BATGIRL????? Then why did you make me watch that Supergirl movie?
    … Oh, wait. Nevermind, I remember. It was because Peter O’Toole was in it.

  6. 6

    Laurie Ann said,

    TEN WHOLE DAYS!!! Forget it.

  7. 7

    desiknitter said,

    Wow. good luck! what if you get acidity (heartburn), though? If I have too much citrusy stufff and no solid food I have a raging headache by evening. I wouldn’t last a day.

    I made the same resolution as you, even went and got 30 days free at the gym (ten days ago). I haven’t even bought the sports bra yet.

    As for confidence-building, just bask in your new office, I say!

  8. 8

    uccellina said,

    Desi – I’m drinking a lot of plain water too, so thus far I haven’t had acidity problems. I’ve had mild headaches the last two evenings, but I think that’s attributable to the abrupt absence of caffeine from my system.

  9. 9

    Hyphen said,

    I’ve heard of it, but really, I am not sure I could live without caffeine that long. Or maybe I could but I’d turn into Super Bitch and my hubby might have to come over to your place to hide.

  10. 10

    uccellina said,

    Hyphen – we have a foldout couch just for refugee husbands.

  11. 11

    writer2 said,

    I hope the recent cold weather and subsequent citrus freeze don’t put the squeeze on this regimen.

  12. 12

    Mom said,

    ouch, writer2

  13. 13

    sweetxsardonic said,

    Aren’t you hungry??

  14. 14

    brina said,

    I don’t think this would work for me. I’m going with ketosis this month.

  15. 15

    Mom said,

    I think this is all a conspiracy by the growers of lemons and sugar maples – strange, since they’re on different coasts.

  16. 16

    ppb said,

    Oh my, I just can’t imagine lemon juice and maple syrup and pepper together. Let alone that being all I ate…..

    good luck with it!

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